(The Grass is Always Greener)
Many years ago, I was asked to give a seminar on calling coyotes to a predator hunting club in Pennsylvania. I like to consider myself as a keen observer of not only human but animal behavior. With that, I could sense a tinge of distrust from some in the audience as I gave out my best advice on how to become a better predator hunter. After every seminar, I generally like to have a question-and-answer session to hopefully help clarify my methods. It was evident by the first few questions that many in this group were convinced that their coyotes were more intelligent and harder to call than my coyotes and since I was from Texas there was no way I could understand their plight. Some may imagine that in Texas there is a coyote behind every bush waiting for someone to blow a call and then cross an open prairie from 1000 yards away and present a chip shot at 40 yards. My fellow Texans wish it was that easy.

Further out west in Arizona, I came across another skeptical audience. This group of fellow predator hunters were convinced my success in calling coyotes was because I was hunting un-pressured coyotes on large private ranches behind closed gates. I first learned to call coyotes in the thick piney woods of East Texas. Back then there were not many coyotes and successes were far and few between.
Since then, over the last 40 plus years, I’ve been blessed to have the opportunity to call coyotes in most of the United States as well as Canada and Mexico. With this knowledge, I can bring a unique perspective applicable in almost every state where you might try and call in a coyote or two. Coyotes are one of, if not the most adaptable animals on the planet. For this reason, they are also one of the most capable adversaries in the world of hunting. Regardless of where you are trying to call coyotes, I can assure you they are not going to be a pushover. If you don’t do your homework he will beat you, most of the time. This holds true whether you are hunting out West on so-called “pressured public grounds”, private ranches, or the thick stuff in the East.

While I will concede there are certain parts of the country that are more conducive for calling in coyotes than others, there are certain things you can do that will up your odds regardless of whether you are in the East or West. Simply stick to the basics, do them well and often. Pay attention to the details, have an idea of where you think the coyote should or could be, slip in undetected with the wind in your favor, pick a stand location that will afford you a shot, if, and when he responds. Finally, use a quality call that produces realistic sounds. You may just find that the grass is pretty green on your side.
– Professional Predator Hunter Byron South